Always closer to the highest vibration

Figaro de Montmartre

Figaro de Montmartre Emotion Diffuser One

Always closer to the Highest vibration

Figaro de Montmartre

Discover Emotion Diffuser One collection

Good rising!

Many thanks to the beautiful customers from the 7 oceans  and beyond. Since two years, many of you come to us, glad to discover something unique, a true story to share. Many of you have sent your secret code sharing your beautiful Emotion Soap journey.  All of you who understand, do appreciate and spread positive word-on-mouth, thank you! At the top of High Street, Glastonbury, you will recognise the Boutique thanks to a Zebra painting outside, inspired by its spirit animal totem. Find yourself into the Figaro de Montmartre's secret garden and discover more… 88A/B High Street, Glastonbury BA6 9DZ United Kingdom

What customers say about their Emotion Soap Experience

Hello beautiful souls, It's Aleksandra - the Bulgarian girl who grew up in Libya. 
I have been using the soap for some time now and absolutely loving the experience. 
It's become a sacred ritual.
While showering is a personal ordeal for most - this has taken personal to a whole new level.
I was both sad and excited to see that i reached the little scroll - sad because the soap has gotten significantly smaller and finishing but excited to hear the music and add sound to my ritual. This is my code: …
I hope you are both doing well and enjoy the beautiful winter season.
Much love and light, A.

 Thank you this soap is beautiful I hope you continue to grow a happy and healthy life✨B.

Good morning, My soap is completely used. I loved the fragrance. It was a gift given to me by my sister and I enjoyed it so much. What a lovely idea to put music in it too. This is the code hidden in it… Very curious about the music. Have a great day! D. From the Netherlands

 Hi, I visited you on my Birthday this year, 25th April and you both gave me some healing in your shop as well as a blue Obsidian crystal which I keep under my pillow and which I put in my Granddaughter, Sophie's pillow when she comes and stays overnight as she is obsessed with my crystals and the magic that they bring.

 Thank you so for making such amazing soap.  I have loved every minute of using it and my six and a half year old Granddaughter has been intrigued by it too and I have let her use it on the odd times when she has had a bath here.  Like me, she is also looking forward to hearing the music that you will be sending us.  The code is... With love and light, Namaste, C.

 Good evening, I loved the soap and have really enjoyed using it. Looking forward to the music. Lots of love and light, T.

Hi! We hope that you are both well  🙂 We have LOVED using the emotion soap - it smells lovely and it has been powerful to think of our wishes each day. It was wonderful to meet you both in your shop in Glastonbury. Here is our code:… Thank you in advance for the music download - we are look forward to hearing it! Enjoy your Sunday! C. and R. (also twin flames!) xxx

Muy buenos días bellas almas, os envío el código para que me enviéis la música. Cada vez que use el jabón, me ha transportado a la magia del momento vivido. Muchas gracias por todo. Código... J.

Good afternoon, Please can I send you code... , which is the number on the scroll in my beautiful emotion soap. Thank you for creating such lovely soaps, I have very much enjoyed the experience of my Amethyst soap and am now drinking the elixir. Kind regards Love and Light, B.

Buenos días!!! Viaje a Glastombury y os compré un jabón,  ya lo he terminado,  me ha ido genial. Os mando el código para el álbum de música.Code… Muchas gracias Bendiciones 🙏 Abrazos de luz🤗🕉 A.

 Thank you so much for the magical soap with the Lemurian Crystal to wash away my fears.

I used it everyday since the new moon in December and it's definitely helped me feel a little less blocked but there is still a lot to do. I loved the smell, the colours, the textures, the way it melted away...... You've created something so special. I'll hopefully visit again when in Glastonbury and look forward to the music to continue my healing. With much gratitude to you both, M.

I loved this soap- really activated a lot of internal spark and helped me with some questions! Looking to receive more guidance :) N.

Ciao, ho 3 codici per download 3 canzoni: Per quanto riguarda la mia esperienza con queste 3 saponette:

Uno era un quarzo transparente (clear quartz) che e' stata un'esperienza di pulizia e luce, veramente farsi la doccia nella luce.

Il secondo e' stato un Apatite perche' in quel periodo sentivo che dovevo lavorare la gola. L'esperienza e' stata che mi sentivo più connesso con qualcosa di profondo in me, mi spingeva in contatto con le profondità ed espandeva la gola ma verso l'interno. Sicuramente l'ha pulita ma l'ho usata a periodi sopratutto all'inizio e poi non riuscivo più ad usarla e quindi in realta' l'ho usato a periodi, e' stata la più impegnativa come esperienza credo. 

L'ultimo processo l'ho fatto con Smoky quartz che ho comprato da voi prima di Natale. L'ho trovato veramente fantastico e dato che la saponetta era piena di oro vedevo tutto oro intorno a me e la mia Aura si colorava di oro ogni volta che mi facevo la doccia e sentivo una grande benessere. Quest'ultima l'avevo comprata che sentivo la mia Aura molto affaticata e anche sporca e mentre mi lavavo sentivo una guarigione anche al mio primo chakra, una pulizia profonda. Veramente bello.

Poi aggiungo che mi avete regalato un profumo connesso a  Angel wing che sto usando. E' veramente buonissimo. Ogni volta che lo indosso vedo oro e quindi mi sento elevato e connesso con qualcosa di spirituale. Io credo che sia anche l'oro che mettete dentro che da questo effetto di luce dorata. State facendo un lavoro bellissimo e vi auguro veramente tutto il meglio. Un abbraccione grande e buon lavoro. Con affetto F.


"This is not just any soap. It is
a sensory experience. A revelation. The only soap I have ever used that washes away negativity from my physical and energetic body. That leaves me feeling
exceptionally clean, fresh, and vibrant. That leaves my skin hydrated. Whose
uplifting aroma grounds me in the present moment. The only soap I know that houses a crystal and a scroll containing a music album download code. This is not just any soap. This is the soap that keeps on giving". 

 Hi guys,  J'adore votre musique! Bravo, ça defonce! Excellent, encore merci, et j'espère à bientôt  Vi auguro una bellissima settimana. L.

 Thank you so much! Your artistic work is amazing. A friend of mine who lives in Glastonbury gave me your magic soap on Christmas and this morning I discovered the "magic number" and it's music. Thank you very much! F.

there I came into your shop last April and bought one of your soaps.  My husband had died 4 weeks earlier to me
visiting Glastonbury and when i told you both this you both hugged me and was
so kind to me. I also, at the time, owned a Gym, with staff and many clients
who I cared for immensely but I was trying to sell the business as I was in
such a bad way and couldn't rebuild it after covid caused such a decline of
members. the sale fell through and only this week has the liquidation process
been finalised. A hard and extremely emotional year but since starting to use
your soap a few months back and falling in love with it as the smell lifted my
mood every time I used it, I am now starting to rebuild my business (I'm a
therapist and healer) and re-invent myself and see what is out there for me. So
thank you for your amazing soap. i should have started using it as soon as I
bought it but i had put it away and forgotten about it!! It was obviously the
right time to find it though. My code is 3506. I look forward to receiving my
gift of music and I will be ordering more soaps from you. Next time I am down
that way I will pop by and say a personal thank you. Kindest regards to you
both and good luck with all your endeavours. Love L. Xx

 Thank you so much for my amazing Emotion soap! I
have loved every shower with this, so beautiful!  I now have my lovely
Tektite crystals and scroll and ready for the next part of my healing journey!
My code for the music is … I cant wait to hear this! Much love! x

 Hi, Here is my code for my free music album Love
& Light: ... Can I just let you know using your soap is like
having a meditation in the shower, it is so beautiful. Thank you so much, best wishes, L.

 Love and light Beautiful soap, me and my daughter was so excited
to find the crystal in the soap xxx

 Hi Tecla and Figaro, It was so so lovely to see you both earlier today!
And to bring my friend Anne into the realm of your magical shop. Please find the code for my emotion soap music in the subject line of this email. I can't wait to hear the album - and to go on another wondrous journey with my new soap
(once I have finished my current elixir). Merci beaucoup <3 Sending you peace, joy and love, S. x

 Good afternoon, After being given a bar of your lovely soap from my
sister who lives in Glastonbury, my husband and I have enjoyed washing our bodies with the wonderful perfume and now have the crystal… we would love to download the music following the unrolling of the scroll to feel the energy and complete the experience - the code on the scroll is ...

Many thanks and we look forward to popping in to your shop and seeing you both next time we visit. Warm wishes, A. and S.

 Hey! thank you so much for
reccomending these products to me, so far i have loved using it! i have finished my emotion soap and heres the link that was given to me inside the amethyst bar … blessed B. ❤️

 Hi, Hope this email find you well! I've unfortunately used up the soap I purchased from yourselves but have a beautiful amethyst crystal now and a music code! (Silver linings and all)  I am quite sad I've used it up as I found it empowering and it smelt amazing!  When I next come to Glastonbury I will definitely
be popping back into your lovely shop! Love and light, E. 🖤

Hi hii ! I just finished the soap and have the code ... Thank you so much for making such lovely soaps - I’m so excited to hear the music  ˗ˋˏ ♡ˎˊ˗

Hello, I have just finished using my first bar of soap ( a lovely present from a friend ).  It was divine, and felt very special to use.  And I enjoyed the anticipation of getting to the crystal and code too, and look
forward to my download.  Thank you for this lovely product. With love,K.  

 I absolutely love the smell; it reminds me of the good vibe of you both! Do you make the soap and is the music composed by yourselves? My partner and I are in debate! Kind Regards, R.

 I have just finished my smoky quartz soap it was
absolutely lovely, the quartz piece is amazing! Thankyou Bless you
both, D.

 Good evening! I finally finished the soap I brought
from you guys in Glastonbury! It was truly amazing and like you recommended I
have the crystals in some water right now. The code I believe is … Love and peace, N.

 I adore your soap, thank you. Please  let me downloaded the music from the code … I am intrigued and I look forward to listening. Thank you

Come sapete il vostro sapone mi e' piaciuto molto e
l'ho usato a periodi facendo della pause quando ne sentivo la necessita'. Adesso lascerò il cristallo un po' in ammollo per
permettere che si pulisca del tutto, perche' ci sono ancora tracce di sapone sopra. Credo che il regalo più importante che ho ricevuto
dal vostro sapone sia stato una maggiore consapevolezza del fatto che tutti gli oggetti che usiamo quotidianamente posseggono una certa vibrazione energetica e nella mia vita praticamente questo significa che adesso sto ripulendo e
ricaricando ogni oggetto che compro e che entra nella mia casa. L'esperienza non e' finita.... adesso attendo la musica :-) Un abbraccio grande, F.

 "I haven’t got to my crystal yet in my emotion soap but I wanted to leave a review
already whilst using the soap still and will come back and leave another review
when ready. I used to have a great belief in the universe but I ended up on a
dark path in life, forgetting my beliefs and began struggling with my mental
health, anxiety, depression, stress, and struggling with my appearance. The day
I stepped into the shop I was struggling, I felt a deep darkness inside that
had been there for a long time, forever struggling to find the positive me
again. I had been in many crystal shops in Glastonbury this day but didn’t know
what I was looking at and it strikes me that many of the shop owners didn’t
really know what they were selling either. When I stepped into your shop, in my
head I said “if these people are real, they will know me and see me without me
talking, they’ll know what I am struggling with” and with that, you put your
hands on a soap, looked at me and told me what the soap was for, stress,
anxiety, and to be brought into the light. You were and are so real. I felt so
safe in the care of you guys. I had to walk out and shed a few tears as it was
so overwhelming but it was also such a relief, it felt invigorating to finally
feel I was exactly where the universe wanted me to be. And when I came back in
you greeted me with the warmest hug I’ve felt in forever. I have been using the
soap as instructed, and the difference I have felt already in a week has just
been out of this world. I finally have my positive outlook back, I finally feel
out of the dark, I feel like I am being directed away from negativity, I feel
beautiful. Even the difference for my children (although they aren’t using my
soap) the unexplainable positivity we are giving and reviving is just
unexplainable and amazing! I can’t wait to continue my journey with this soap
and crystal, and I can’t wait to see you guys again, I cannot thank you enough,
you’ll always have a special place within me and you’ll never be forgotten!
Eons of love to you guys! Keep up your amazing work! " H.

"Hi, I bought your
soap a few weeks ago along with a stunning feminine tree Tshirt. I have been
using the tektite soap and it has noticeably  lifted my spirits no end.
Thank you so much. If you ever decide to make stone infused body oil to match,
I would certainly purchase. Thank you again for your amazing soaps. Many
thanks". D. P.

"Awesome to meet you
both Tecla and Figaro x Soap was Divine I felt immediate the cleansing and
detox" xV.

I was searching for the perfect gift for my two little girls and something made me want to look inside this shop. When I stepped in it instantly made me feel good. The artwork 🖼 is sensational and otherworldly and the lady caught my attention first because she has such beautiful hair which makes her eyes stand out so much. Then the gentleman and lady both explained to me that each item in the shop comes with music 🎶. The ingenuity of this couple is incredible such a beautiful and heart felt concept. I purchased three emotion soaps 🧼. A gift that keeps on giving and awakens all the senses, touch as you wash and cleanse your aura, smell with the fragrant aromas hand picked by these wonderful people, sight with the shimmer of 24k gold and the precious crystals inside, taste as you drink the crystal elixir to boost the manifestation and connections with the universe and sound as you listen to the artists own music for the soul using the special code inside the emotion soap. The music then lifts you to a higher vibration so you can access your sixth sense also. Wow I am in love with this creation. My husband was kindly gifted a crystal which we blessed in chalice well waters with our rings from our handfasting. I felt so much love in this shop and around these amazing people that my eyes filled with tears. I wanted to make sure I honoured that so my husband and I decided a little ceremony with water energy and our own symbols of love combined with the amazing crystal gift my husband was given would be a perfect way to show our appreciation for being given such a beautiful gift. My children are ecstatic to have received such a magical present 🎁 and I have been telling everyone about this experience. Thank you 🙏 Figaro de Montmartre I have sent you some videos also to show you the girls faces. I am forever a loyal customer but more than that a genuinely appreciative soul sister 🙏🙏🙏🙏